
Built for the community by the community

Finding suitable sites for much-needed homes in a dense city like London is one of the most challenging and exciting parts of our project. But many of the plots we are scoping out in Waltham Forest are not currently reaching their potential – they are being used as car parks, leftover land or sometimes nothing at all.

At Forest CLT we’re working with Waltham Forest Council to find and make plans for these underused corners of the borough, looking at both small pockets that have room for a small number of homes right through to much larger sites where we could build up to 70 flats as well as community spaces and communal gardens. At present we are preparing proposals for two of these sites, Claude Road and Low Hall, which you can read more about below.

Housing models on display

Our sites

Claude Road

Low Hall

Forest CLT meeting

Next steps

Are you passionate about truly affordable housing, sustainability and community? This is how you can help.